Sheikh Abdullah Kan'an known as Tgk Lam Keuneu'euen asscholar from Kanaan, Palestine The first broadcast the Islamic religion to Aceh Besar. Together with Johan Meurah. He Came Into the Kingdom Lamuri to review preaching. Sheikh Abdullah Kan'an bring pepper seedlings brought Aceh, so that ia known as the father of pepper Aceh. Abdullah Kan'an Very big influence in Aceh Besar, Aceh even. His name Until now become the name of the body was buried in the village place, namely town Lampeuneuen. His tomb is located hearts Shaped Building A mosque Yang in front of him are wells with A ring engraved wells made from the ground.
Based on the event study so Banda Aceh held on November 26 to March 28, 1988 in Banda Aceh told the seminar that the Kingdom Lamuri after in Islamize by Sheikh Abdullah Kan'an changed its name to the kingdom Darussalam. His first Muslim Sultan is Meurah Johan by Johan Alaidin title Sultan Shah. According to some saga and old stories. Lamuri kingdom is actually named Indra primordial while Lamuri is the name of the port in the Acehnese language called lam Oriek under the control of the ancient kingdom of Indra. After coming under fire from allied kingdom of Srivijaya some regions of the kingdom divided. One Indrajaya regions controlled by the kingdom led by the king burrows Khie with admirals named Admiral O-nga. For several years this kingdom continued to war with the Chinese empire. Until the reign of Maharaja Indra Syahir Dauli magic kingdom the arrival Lamuri 300 propagator of Islam emanating from the kingdom of Pasai and Peureulak led by Sheikh Abdullah ka'nan or in some better known saga named Shah Hudan. The group also participated in one of the sons of Adi Geunali Linge State Central Aceh named Muerah Johan. When Indra ancient kingdom / Lamuri attacked again by the Chinese empire that ruled the Kingdom of power, then the propagator of Islam, which was then in the early Indra offer help to the king and the king gladly accepted the offer. at the time of attack was the kingdom of power led by a princess named Princess Nian Nio Liang Khi or better known as Putroe Neng, after losing the war he later surrendered to the Shah hudan, and then converted to Islam by the Shah Hudan and mated with Commander Meurah Johan being hero in the attack. After the success of the Shah's entourage hudan troops conquered the kingdom of power led by Putroe Neng, the royal princes Lamuri raised Meurah Johan became his successor. And after that Indra ancient kingdom known as the kingdom of Lamuri changed its name to the Islamic empire Darussalam. The royal palace was built on the banks of the river has now become a dragon Kuala Krueng Aceh River in Kampung Pande