Al Mas'udi is an expert on the history, geography, geology, zoology, science encyclopedias in Islam, as well as nomads. Many negari he has visited and dozens of works that have been produced. Al Mas'udi called Pilinius of Arabic literature, because of his knowledge of geography. al-Mas'udi born in the year 283H or 895 M in Baghdad. Al Masudi reportedly died in Fustat (Egypt) in the year 345H or 956M. He was a descendant of Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. When the age of 30 years, Al-Mas'udi began to travel and exploration. The first trip did to Fars in 915 AD After settling for one year in Istikhar, he traveled to India through Baghdad. Then visit Multan, Mansoora, Gujarat, Chamoor, Deccan, Ceylon, Indo-China, China, Basrah, Madagascar, Zanjibar, as well as Oman.